Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kheerganga trek

The Kheerganga trek is the most popular of the Parvati Valley treks. This location attracts hikers and nature enthusiasts from all over the world. Kheerganga is situated at an altitude of around 2950 meters in Parvati Valley (Kullu Valley). The Tosh village, the Manikaran hot springs, the Kheerganga, the Parvati River, practically everything here is serene. This guide will help you reach out to Kheerganga with every information you need.

Among all the excursions in the Kasol area, the Kheerganga valley is the crown jewel. The most popular Kasol trek is Kheerganga. The hot springs are located at a height of 2950 meters (13,000 feet) and need a 7-8 hour climb to reach. After navigating the rocky terrain, you’ll arrive at Kheerganga’s hot spring. All your concerns and ailments will be washed away with a dip in the warm water.

Kheerganga trek

The journey begins in Barshaini. Barshaini may be reached by road from Kasol. From there, the hike to Kheerganga begins. A trail leads from Barshani to Tosh village, which is 3 kilometres away. It is possible to hike to Kheerganga in one day, although it is neither practical nor advised. If you are an experienced trekker, you can surely do it if you start early enough. Regardless of which route you follow, the total distance covered on the Kheerganga hike is 12-13 kilometres.

Getting to Bhuntar on the Delhi-Manali Highway: To go to Bhuntar, take a private Volvo bus from Delhi’s Majnu Ka Tila or Rama Krishna Ashram Metro Stations. It is advised and prompt to take the HRTC Himsuta Vehicle departing ISBT Kashmere Bridge. All Volvos depart from Delhi in the evening and arrive in Bhuntar between the hours of 5 and 7 a.m.

Bhuntar is the junction of the Beas and Parvati waterways, and also the starting point for the trip to Parvati Canyon. Insist that the vehicle let you down close to the Bhuntar bus depot, from where you can use an additional bus to Barshaini. Following Kasol and Manikaran, Barshaini is the river’s final Rohtang highway.

During the treks from Kasol, you will be able to see the valley’s raw natural beauty. Kasol, as well as surrounding villages like Tosh and Malana, are areas where people live in harmony with the environment. Humans do not bully nature here; they coexist. Spend some time in this valley to get away from the sins of city life. Kasol and Parvati Valley is a wonder of a leisure getaway, primarily for travel enthusiasts. There are several waterfalls, hot spring pools, snow-capped peaks all around, and lush green forest. If you learn to know Nature in its natural state, you will quickly see how it may be accepted.

Kheerganga trekking routes:

Kheerganga trekking

By any route, the distance from Barshaini to Kheerganga is roughly 9-10 kilometres. There are three ways to get to Kheerganga from Barshaini. After Barshaini, walk to the bridge and turn left. Ask anyone for directions to Nakthan village and Kheerganga. This is the quickest and most popular path, taking 3-4 hours for a hiker of average speed. This route follows the Parvati River on the left bank. The most popular way to Kheerganga is through Nakthan, which has a well-marked footpath.

After clearing the footbridge, follow the road right towards the Kalga community. From Kalga to Kheerganga, there is indeed a secondary journey trail that intersects the main highway midway through the hike. This walking path to Kheerganga travels through dense woodlands, making it easy for hikers to become disoriented. Because most people are unaware of this route, only a few hikers use it.

From Tosh village, there is an alternative trekking path to Kheerganga. Near the town of Nakthan, it also connects to Route No. 1. Tourists that stay in Tosh for the night and intend to trek the next morning use this route. At Tosh hamlet, the Tosh nallah or Tosh river flows, eventually joining the Parvati river near Pulga.

During the Kheerganga journey, you’ll need to stay somewhere:

During the summer, Kheerganga has become a popular location for young adventurers. In Kheerganga, there are about 8-10 huts that provide minimal lodging. Even if you haven’t booked in advance, it is possible to find accommodation in Kheerganga depending on the season, weekend crowds, and weather. Private huts and rooms for couples are available for 400-500 rupees a room. For roughly 100-200 Rs. per person, a shared sleeping room (nice bed and blanket) is provided. Remember that the restrooms are almost always shared, and finding a room with an attached bathroom is very hard.

The restaurant proprietors in Kheerganga certainly want you to buy their bottled water, however, there is a small natural spring in Ashram. Find it and fill your water bottles in secret; no one will notice. In Kasol, there is a street lined with restaurants providing international cuisines, most of which will be Israeli. The rise in the popularity of Israeli food is due to an increase in the number of tourists from Israel.

Restaurants serving German and Chinese cuisine are also available. Take a risk and have breakfast in Israel, lunch in Germany, and dinner in China. You will not be sorry. Put on your jacket, put on your trekking shoes, take your trekking pole, and begin your adventure across the valley that even God finds difficult to leave.

What is the difficulty level of the Kheerganga trek?

Under normal conditions, the Kheerganga walk is a moderate trek. By no means is it a stroll in the park. With a distance of around 14 kilometres, the hiking distance in a single day is also not insignificant. However, the trail’s gradient is not too steep, and if you start early enough, you may easily cover the distance before dark. Conditions become more challenging during the winter and rainy seasons, making it slightly more difficult than usual. Things become easier if you are adequately equipped with the appropriate attire and equipment.

What is the best way to prepare for a Kheerganga trek?

The key to any successful hike is being prepared for the weather. You only need to be in decent physical shape to do this walk, as it is an easy to moderate hike. This journey has a very high success rate. The majority of those who begin the walk complete it. If rain is forecast, make sure you have a raincoat and extra socks on hand. If chilly weather is forecast in the Kasol region, bring warm woollens and jackets. Proper hiking shoes are usually recommended, regardless of the weather.

What to Bring while trekking?

  • Even in the summer, Kheerganga can be chilly. Warm clothing must be carried in your backpack.
  • During and near monsoon season, bring a poncho or raincoat with you.
  • You may also use it in other seasons because it is always a good idea to have rain protection with you in the mountains. After all, you never know when it will rain.
  • Thermal inners, additional pairs of socks, cold cream, lip balm, and sun protection can also be carried. A torch or a headlamp is usually useful.
  • Because it might get fairly hot on the route, a hat or cap is a must-have item in your knapsack.
  • Jeans are always more uncomfortable than track pants.
  • Even though the journey is easy, trekking shoes are required because the majority of the terrain is rocky.

Essential marks: Kheerganga can be rather cold and snowy, therefore bringing strong woolly jumpers is recommended even in the summer. In Barshaini, Kalga, and Tosh, cellular operators are operational. Although Kheerganga has a BSNL service, it is best to make crucial calls before starting the walk. Water is accessible in dhabas along the trail, and the placement of cascades to replenish water jugs has also been noted in the hiking itinerary.

Cost of the Kheerganga Trek

The main expenses for this Kasol Kheerganga tour will be transportation, food, lodging in Kheerganga, and guide services. Most Kheerganga trek packages include food, lodging, and a guide. Volvo bus tickets from Delhi to Bhuntar cost around 2200 rupees round trip. The cost of the trek ranges from Rs 1500 to Rs 3000 depending on the operator, but the inclusions and quality are consistent. Food in Kasol, particularly in Kheerganga, is prohibitively costly. While the majority of meals are included in any Kheerganga trek package, lunch may be extra. So a 2-3 day journey to Kheerganga and Kasol will set you back between 3800 and 4500 rupees.


The Kheerganga trek, which ranges in difficulty from simple to moderate, is as much about the route as it is about the goal. While the trek’s main draw is the hot spring at the conclusion, the journey to the summit is certainly worth remembering. I hope this post has given you some insight into the Kheerganga trip.

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