Sunday, February 9, 2025

The ultimate places to visit in the judicial capital of AP- Kurnool

Know about the top 8 places to visit in the artistic city of Kurnool

Located in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh the city is famous for its ancient political history and geography which makes it one of the best tourist places in Andhra Pradesh. Known for the rich culture and some of the most cherished artworks ever found in the history of South India, Kurnool stands out not only because of its famous Uggani bajji but also some of the best spots to add to your list to visit if you ever visit Andhra Pradesh. The top best tourists’ attractions of Kurnool are as follows-

  1. Mahanandi– Surrounded by forests the famous Mahanandiswara Swamy Temple is located in this village which was constructed around 1500 years back. The temple’s architecture with 10th century’s inscriptions which is to date showcasing the presence of Kings who ruled the region along with fresh water pool called Kalyani nearby it is just mesmerizing.
  2. Mantralayam– The village is famous among the pilgrims and is located at the banks of Tungabhadra river. You will find here Raghavendra Matha along with brundavan of Raghavendra Swami who lived in 17th Century. Locals say that he went into a samadhi alive in front of his disciples and having such rich history makes this place very renowned.
  3. Orvakal Rock Gardens– The 1000-acre Sculpture Garden is located in NH-18 highway and is the perfect place for enjoying nature. You will find here ancient caves and igneous rock formations along with pools of water and you can enjoy boating and a bit hiking here.
  4. Yaganti temple– This is a temple of Lord Shiva constructed in 15th century as per the Vaishnavaite traditions. The temple is famous for Pushkarini, a small pond in it where the water flows in it from the bottom of hill through the mouth of a Nandi and to date no one discovered the exact way of flowing water reaching the pond.
  5. Belum Caves– These are the largest caves open to public in India and is renowned for its beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations. The Caves have a length of 3,229 m and you can go up to 46m depth from the entrance. The caves consist of remarkable galleries, fresh water caverns and siphons. Nearby the caves there is a majestic huge white Buddha statue which is one of the best Buddhists remains ever.
  6. Velugodu Reservoir: The balancing reservoir is actually located across the Galeru river and is fed by the back waters of dam Srisailam. Having the storage capacity of 16.95Tmcft at 265 m MSL the reservoir has a picturesque view.
  7. Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary– The wildlife sanctuary is famous for primarily being a grassland ecosystem and tourists may find different faunal and avifaunal species. There are more than varied 132 bird species and the sanctuary was primarily a habitat of the great Indian bustard
  8. Nandavaram Temple– This is a temple of Goddess Sri Chowdeshwari Devi and as per the locals she travelled from Varanasi to Nadavaram within a day using the underground passage. The original deity which was created is said to be very fearful that by watching it with a human eye, many people fell sick and the aura of the deity itself led to heart fall so a replica of the deity was created which is less fearful and that’s what tourists see today in the temple. The doors of the main garbha griha is closed permanently where the original deity is present and now the replica is placed exactly above the place.

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